10 090 ZAGREB
Alberta Fortisa 15A
Full member of EULITA
European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association
The Association of Sworn Court Interpreters, (Udruga stalnih sudskih tumaca, abbreviated as ASCI/USST) situated in Zagreb, Croatia, was officially founded on 19 February 2010. It is a non-profit professional association that admits into full membership only and exclusively Sworn Court Interpreters, which distinguishes it among similar and equivalent associations.
By Resolution of the Constituting Assembly, the Association named Zdenka Pavlovic Gecevic, MA as its President, Jasenka Mandzuka, MA as its Vice-president and Ivana Bosanac, MA as its Executive Secretary.
The primary objective of the Association is to preserve the dignity and reputation of the profession of Sworn Court Interpreters. The Members of the Association contribute constantly by means of their dynamic activities to the endorsement, upgrade and advancement of the quality of Legal translation and Legal interpretation in both spoken and sign languages.
The basic content of the Association’s activities is to connect professionally all its members and stimulate appropriate training to promote improvement and accomplishment in their careers by organizing counselling and advice-oriented lectures, seminars, congresses, forums and other professional gatherings on the working arrangements and utensils of the trade. The Association stimulates research and cooperation with other relevant and similar association and other organizations on a local and international basis, that endorse the activities of the Association as well as all other activities stated in Article 7 of the Articles of the Association.
The members of the Association are guided by their strict adherence to a professional code of ethics, while obliged to preserve business secrets and uphold the guidelines of good practice in legal interpreting and translation. Transparency of work, cooperation and mutual relationships are the basic guidelines which are unequivocally respected.
Emphasis is given none-the-less to promoting cooperation with other relevant organizations in the aim of exchanging information among other Associations of Court interpreters in Europe and the world, thus promoting judicial cooperation and mutual trust by the member states in each other’s systems of legal interpreting and translation so as to extend mutual help in the execution of their professional activities.
ASCI ( USST ) has been accepted unanimously as a new full member of EULITA as of 1 August 2013.
By Resolution of the Elective Assembly, held at the Sheraton Zagreb Hotel on 12 November 2022 , Zdenka Pavlovic Gecevic, MA was elected unopposed as its President, Nikolina Palcic, MA as its Vice President and Marija Schjaer, MA as its Executive Secretary.